Fault action to be alien.
Work Act of 2551 BC alien.
The case was prosecuted offense penalty.
1. Work not violate the ordinance (Section 6) - to post incarceration prison or a fine not exceeding 5 years.
1. Work not violate the ordinance (Section 6) - to post incarceration prison or a fine not exceeding 5 years.
Stool, but 2,000 baht to 100,000 baht, or both memory and fine (Section 33).
2. Working without work permits (Section 7).
3. Section 12 alien working without work permits - to post jail not exceeding 3 months imprisonment or a fine not exceeding 5,000 Baht or both fine and memory (Section 34).
4. Working conditions violate (Section 9).
3. Section 12 alien working without work permits - to post jail not exceeding 3 months imprisonment or a fine not exceeding 5,000 Baht or both fine and memory (Section 34).
4. Working conditions violate (Section 9).
5. Work at the end of the work permit (Section 15).
Alien 6. Working on work permits end of life. In the case of petitions for renewal then. Minister not allowed (Article 17).
- Cook to post no more than 3 months imprisonment or a fine not exceeding 5,000 Baht or both fine and memory (Section 37).
7. Work differ from those set forth in the work permit.
Alien 6. Working on work permits end of life. In the case of petitions for renewal then. Minister not allowed (Article 17).
- Cook to post no more than 3 months imprisonment or a fine not exceeding 5,000 Baht or both fine and memory (Section 37).
7. Work differ from those set forth in the work permit.
(Section 21).
8. Changing area. Or workplace without permission.
8. Changing area. Or workplace without permission.
(Section 21).
9. Not carry a work permit during the work (Article 18).
9. Not carry a work permit during the work (Article 18).
10. Quit working and then not returned within the required work permit.
(Section 20).
- Cook to post no more than 1 month imprisonment or a fine not exceeding 2,000 Baht or both fine and memory (Section 38).
11. Has been promoting investment not filed within the required obtain a work permit (Section 10).
12. Has been invested to promote extended working set is not notified within (Article 14) - penalty to a fine not exceeding 500 Baht or both fine and memory (Section 36).
13. A work permit in the material damaged or lost.
12. Has been invested to promote extended working set is not notified within (Article 14) - penalty to a fine not exceeding 500 Baht or both fine and memory (Section 36).
13. A work permit in the material damaged or lost.
(Section 19).
Employers 1. Is alien without a work permit to work - to post imprisonment not exceeding 3 years jail or a fine not exceeding 60,000 Baht or both fine and memory (Section 39).
2. Is alien to work with nature or conditions to differ from those set forth in the license (Article 22).
Employers 1. Is alien without a work permit to work - to post imprisonment not exceeding 3 years jail or a fine not exceeding 60,000 Baht or both fine and memory (Section 39).
2. Is alien to work with nature or conditions to differ from those set forth in the license (Article 22).