
Aliens who do not receive work permits or not renew the work permit area or workplace. Have the right to appeal to the Minister of Labor within 30 days to acknowledge the command is not allowed. The appeal letter filed with the appeal documentation of 25 set at the Department of Work Committee of 11th Floor, Division of alien alien.

Section 17.

 • If using.

     1. Director-General or official who does not put out a work permit or license under Section 7 (a .2 Tt) Section 8 (a .3 Tt) Section 10 (a .1 Authority) and Section 12 (a need. T. 8).
     2. Registrar not to renew work permits under Section 15 (a .5 Tt) 3. Registrar does not allow change of work / change local work / workplace change.
Section 21 (a .7 Tt).

 • Letter of Appeal filed.

      1. Aliens or employers filed requests license instead of aliens. Have the right to appeal. If not issued work permits. Or not permitted by Section 7 Section 8 Section 10 and Section 12 not to renew the license under Section 15 and not allowed to change the work / work area change / change the workplace as a Section 21 appeal to the Minister of Labor. Made in writing by the Director-General filed. The Director-General or official assignment. Or Registrar as the case may.

     2. The appeal must be filed within 30 days from the date received order is not allowed.

     3. If the appeal request is not issued work permits or not permitted by Section 7 Section 8 Section 10 and Section 12 request not allowed to change the work / change local work / workplace change.
To an alien under Section 21 does not work right.

     4. If the appeal request is not allowed to renew under Section 15 alien has the right to work until a while before finding the appeal to the Minister of Labor.

     5. Pronouncement of the Minister of Labor as possible.

 • evidence and documents filed with the book must appeal.

     1. Copy of the Department of the respondents have denied permission to work.

     2. Book Appeal. (The sample appeal letter).

     3. Historical details about the alien. (Formally defined).

     4. Details about the establishment. (Formally defined).

     5. A copy of the registered entity. Copy and shareholders.

     6. A copy of the license or factory license.

     7. Proof of tax to the Thai government in the period 3 years (such as income tax, business tax, other taxes, if any, etc.).

     8. Description of manufacturing process with map production (PROCESS CHART) If a plant establishment.

     9. Evidence showing the amount of the establishment phase 3 years ago.

   10. Other relevant evidence (if any).

* Numbers 1-10 that some documents may be filed not fully defined as any time 10.
The officers determined by the type of establishment but must submit 15 copies each. 

